Janua Linguarum

das Tor zu Sprachen
la porte des langues
the door to languages

Comenius II


In order to evaluate the quality of our materials and suggestions we have developed different tools. The JaLing evaluation includes the following parts:

  • Children´s and young people´s opinions about their own languages and about the languages of the world before starting work with JaLing. [doc - 200KB] / [pdf - 130KB]
  • Children´s and young people's opinions about languages after having worked with JaLing. [doc - 32KB] / [pdf - 64KB]
  • Evaluation of each piece of material by the pupils at the end of each JaLing unit. [doc - 25KB] / [pdf - 32KB]
  • Evaluation of each piece of material by the teachers at the end of each JaLing unit. [doc - 48KB] / [pdf - 95KB]
  • Global evaluation by the teachers at the end of a period of teaching with JaLing. [doc - 34KB] / [pdf - 78KB]
  • Classroom observations JaLing. [doc - 114KB] / [pdf - 288KB]
  • Parents´ opinion after their children´s work with JaLing. [doc - 27KB] / [pdf - 62KB]

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Letzte Änderung: 06.10.2004